S. VAN RAVESTEYN, 1937-1940, Van Aerssenlaan 49, Rotterdam
Diergaarde Blijdorp / Zoo Blijdorp ( S. van Ravesteyn )
© 1987 Rook & Nagelkerke
Indoor and outdoor accommodations of animals are grouped along the principal axis following the length of the park. The main block, the Rivièrahal, adjoins the houses for primates, pachyderms and tropical fauna. Each building's decoration sets out to symbolize its occupants' place of origin. The curve, a recurring formal theme in Van Ravesteyn's work, is to be found here in abundance. Many of the buildings have been altered or replaced over the years at the cost of the overall concept, not least due to the additional entrance in the new extension. The Rivièrahal is earmarked for restoration.